February 29, 2020 12:32pm

When an upheaval strikes, it is vital how communication is a component of risk mitigation and how change is needed to propel a corporation back to a reality-based scenario.

For a public entity to attract investors, it must convey its financial and organizational “representation” in a clear, interconnected/unified and trustworthy method.


Failure to do so will FRACTURE a financial future and reputations of those involved, particularly during times of internal strife and runway uncertainty when investors will demand more “particulars” how and why any crisis happened to come about? 


Stakeholders will also question; how will the investment paradigm be affected and what will be done to rectify the situation?


When “stuff” happens, a public entity has an opportunity to change, evolve and showcase its determination and position itself to as an entity to be trusted through good times and bad – which means … change is needed.

Trust is built by in the short term by making those changes needed that will reflect to the near and long term building an authentic response and corporate character that current stakeholders and potential and future shareholders can genially believe in for a delineation of risk and a return-on-investment (ROI).