February 5, 2024 7:25am
I post about “indication intelligence” devoting my time to collection and analysis of information to assist investors in the perception of sector vulnerabilities and strengths – it’s more than opinion, the facts and truth need to be recognized.
A weak after/pre-market doesn’t float the sector!
Pre-open indications: 1 Positive and 4 Negative Indications
Who is defining the metrics for investors and keeping you notified of the sector and market fluctuations? RMi provides a trusted source of share pricing intelligence. Join me … in the NO spin zone!
Never leave an investor uninformed!
Remember that overnight and pre-open actions’ futures and global markets doesn't necessarily translate into actual trading in the today’s market session.
There is no breadline for share pricing and fact-based intelligence!
I also follow the dictum, quoting Churchill that “short words are best, and the old words when short are best of all.”
Monday: The pre-open Dow futures are DOWN -0.31% or (-51 points), the S&P futures are DOWN -0.22% or (-10 points) as the Nasdaq futures are DOWN -0.13% or (-22 points)
Stock futures fluctuated lower on Monday morning,
European markets moved slightly higher,
Asia Pacific markets fell as Lunar New Year approached
We need to more than consider the economic environment to comprehend the micro re “our” universe of cell and gene therapy companies
Last week, the stock market weathered a huge week of earnings and economic news.
Friday, indexes closed positive as the Dow closed UP +134.58 points or +0.35%, the S&P closed UP +52.42 points +1.07% while the Nasdaq closed UP +267.31 points or +1.74%
For the week, the S&P 500 added 1.4%, the Nasdaq gained 1.1% and the Dow rose 1.4%. It was the fourth week in a row of gains for the major benchmarks after a stumble to start 2024.
Economic Data Docket: S&P Global US services PMI, January final (52.9 expected, 52.9 prior), S&P Global composite PMI, January final (52.3 expected), ISM services index, January (52 expected, 50.5 prior)
Last Friday’s night RegMed Investors (RMi) Closing Bell: “cell and gene therapy sector fluctuates what’s different? After a reverse Advance Decline (A/D) line of Thursday’s 26/7 to Friday’s 7/26 both with 2 flats. Market indexes exhibit record high, to set-up yet another dive?” … https://www.regmedinvestors.com/articles/13312
Q1/24: February – 1 positive and 1 negative closes
- January: 2 holidays, 11 negative and 8 positive closes
Companies in my headlights – It’s your decision; I provide ideas and context:
I post about “indication intelligence” devoting my time to collection and analysis of information to assist investors with insight into sector vulnerabilities and strengths. A dictionary definition of “indicate” refers to something less than a certainty; an indication could be a signal of being oversold or overbought, a recommendation, or grounds for inferring or a basis for believing.
Negative Indications:
Friday, Thursday’s Wednesday, Tuesday and last Monday’s closing “numbers” with aftermarket dollar ($) and cent ($0.00) value and percentage (%)
CRISPR Therapeutics (CRSP) closed up +$0.08 after Thursday’s +$1.72, Wednesday’s -$1.53, Tuesday’s -$1.30 and last Monday’s +$4.77 with a negative -$0.26 or -0.40% pre-open indication.
Blueprint Medicine (BLMC) closed down -$0.30 after Thursday’s +$0.35, Wednesday’s -$3.99, Tuesday’s-$1.53 and Monday’s +$3.49 with a negative -$0.49 or -0.62% pre-open indication.
Fate Therapeutics (FATE) closed down -$0.24 after Thursday’s +$0.60, Wednesday’s +$0.58 with a negative -$0.02 or -1.84% pre-open indication
Solid Biosciences (SLDB) closed down -$0.07 after Thursday’s +$0.20. Wednesday’s -$1.19, Tuesday’s +$0.12 and Monday’s -$0.02 with a negative -$0.02 or -0.28%pre-open indication.
Positive Indication:
Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday’s closing “numbers” with aftermarket dollar ($) and cent ($0.00) value and percentage (%)
Intellia Therapeutics (NTLA) closed up +$0.03 after Thursday’s +$1.44, Wednesday’s -$0.77, Tuesday’s -$1.59 and Monday’s +$1.50 with a positive +$0.31 or +1.23% indication
The BOTTOM LINE: The Nasdaq getting extended once again is a reason to be cautious about new buys
- Timing is everything, “I learned very early (as a young military officer), if you were 5 minutes early for a meeting, you were 10 minutes late – follow my lead by being EARLY in portfolio deliberations.”
The remainder of the month’s trading sessions will be critical as the RegMed sector will begin earnings’ LPS (loss-per-share) season, estimates and consensus which set market reaction.
- Coming attractions …Q4 and FY23 reporting season will ALSO report “runways” and those whose cash positions render their future questionable.
That is WHY I focus on INDICATIONS … Skim if you can trim, buy if it will fly and sell if compelled!
As I wrote on last week “When it comes to short-term investing or trading; the trend is NOT your friend.” Just wait a session and the direction will change from tailwinds to headwinds.
Monday coming after Friday’s actions and thoughts:
- Market breath has been weakening
- Fed Chair Powell poured cold water on investor hopes for a March interest rate cut during his press conference following the January Fed meeting. Powell said the central bank needs "greater confidence" in inflation's path lower before cutting rates. <Yahoo Finance>
- The benchmark 10-year Treasury yield jumped a whopping 17 basis points to 4.02% after the government reported the U.S. economy added 353,000 jobs in January, well above the Dow estimate from economists of 185,000 (1 basis point equals 0.01%.). <CNBC>
- After an onslaught of economic data that's showed the US economy is off to a hot start to the first quarter, investors will have few data points to dissect in the week ahead. Weekly initial jobless claims will continue to be closely tracked as companies announce layoffs while an update on activity in the services sector on Monday will catch investor attention.
Interesting and Re-iterating … Put-call ratio can signal market consolidation ahead:
- A short-term indicator can indicate a market breather on the horizon, according to Wolfe Research.
- Managing director Rob Ginsberg said the five-day moving average of the ratio between puts and calls has fallen into what he calls a “complacency zone.” For reference, investors buy a call option when they anticipate a stock’s price will rise, or get a put when they foresee shares tumbling.
- Investors should prepare for a short-term correction ahead
Welcome to my world of defining the “grey’ in our universe!
- Right up front, “I also hate to be so negative or contrarian but, this is a NO spin zone and facts are its product; I can always be WRONG but … I am mostly EARLY!”
- The sector is what it is, until it isn’t and even then, it doesn’t seem to be… as NOT much changes as the sector’s share pricing rides the waves of volatility, algorithms, electronic trading and short covering.
Opinions expressed are those of the author and are subject to change, and not intended to be a forecast of future events, a guarantee of future results, nor investment advice. All investments are subject to risks. Investors should consider investment objectives.
Whether information or intelligence is good, bad or somewhere in between; I put into context what is relevant and useful for investors. All investments are subject to risks. Investors should consider investment objectives. Regulation Analyst Certification (Reg AC): The research analyst primarily responsible for the content of this report certifies the following under Reg AC: I hereby certify that all views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views about the subject company or companies and its or their securities. I also certify that no part of my compensation was, is or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific recommendations or views expressed in this report.
Henry McCusker, the editor and publisher of RegMed Investors could hold or have positions securities referred to in this publication and he will NOTIFY investors of holdings.